by What's On 4 Kids | Jun 13, 2019 | Adelaide and South Australia, Brisbane and Queensland, Featured, General, Giveaways, Hobart and Tasmania, Melbourne and Victoria, performing arts, Perth and Western Australia, Sydney and New South Wales
Win 1 of 3 Family Passes to see André Rieu’s 2019 Maastricht Concert – Shall We Dance? André Rieu fans, musicians and lovers of classical music will be swept off their feet with this magical screening of celebration of André Rieu’s 2019 Maastricht Concert...
by What's On 4 Kids | Apr 23, 2018 | Baby Development, Guest Blogger, Learning Music, Parenting
Q&A with Tina Harris from TV series Lah-Lah’s Adventures Did you grow up with music in your household? I like to say that I grew up in a household of music lovers. My grandpa Dunc, who was an Olympic cyclist, just loved old musicals and we would watch ‘The...